Ross County Bylaws




Section 1 To provide governance and guidance for the activities of the Republican

Party in Ross County, Ohio.

Section 2 To coordinate the efforts of Republican Party members in furtherance of

Party goals and in electing Republicans to public office.

Section 3 To budget, raise, and expend funds in support of the purposes, activities,
and Republican candidates for public office as set forth in these by-laws.

Section 4 To recruit and screen Republican candidates for public offices and to
endorse publicly those candidates found most worthy of election.

Section 5 To monitor the performance of public officials throughout Ross County in

an effort to protect the public interest in good government.

Section 6 To keep the general public and members of the Republican Party informed

of Republican Party activities, purposes, goals and ideals.

Section 7 To assist the Ohio Republican Party in electing Republicans to state and

federal offices.

Section 8 When permitted by law, to recommend to the Governor qualified
Republicans to fill unexpired terms in elected judicial offices vacated by
Republicans; and when permitted by law, to appoint qualified Republicans
to fill unexpired terms in local elected offices vacated by Republicans.

Section 9 To encourage Ross County residents to register to vote and to exercise

their right to vote at election time.



Paragraph 1 Every four (4) years, the newly elected members of the Ross
County Republican Party Central Committee shall meet not earlier
than six days nor later than fifteen days following the declaration
of the results by the Board of Elections of the election in which the
members of the Central Committee were elected. ORC 3517.04

Paragraph 2 This initial meeting of the newly elected member of the Ross
County Republican party Central Committee shall be called the
Organizational Meeting.

Paragraph 3 The Organizational Meeting shall be called to order by the retiring
Chairperson of the Ross County Republican Party Central
Committee. If that retiring Chairperson is not present, then the
retiring Secretary of the Central Committee shall call the
Organizational Meeting to order. Should both the retiring
Chairperson and Secretary of the Central Committee not be
present, then the Party shall follow the procedure provided in ORC

Paragraph 4 After the Organizational Meeting is called to order, a temporary
Chairperson and Secretary shall be chosen from those newly
elected Ross County Republican Party Central Committee
members who are present. ORC 3517.04

Paragraph 5 The temporary Chairperson shall then accept nominations for the
office of Chairperson of the Central Committee. Any person
nominated for the office of Chairperson of the Central Committee,
or any other office of the Central Committee for which nomination
will be taken at the Organizational Meeting, must be present at the
Organizational Meeting.

Paragraph 6 After the close of nominations for Chairperson of the Central
Committee, a vote shall be taken. The person receiving the highest
number of votes out of those persons nominated will be elected to
that position.

Paragraph 7 In the event of a tie for the highest vote total, a revote will be
conducted. In the event that there are more than two individuals
nominated for the position of Chairperson of the Central
Committee, only those nominees who tied for the highest vote total

will be included in the revote. Those individuals initially
nominated for Chairperson of the Central Committee who would
not be eligible for the revote due to the fact they were not tied as
having received the highest vote total shall be permitted to vote in
the revote.

Paragraph 8 Following the election of the Chairperson of the Central
Committee, the remainder of the Organizational Meeting shall be
run by that newly elected Central Committee Chairperson.

Paragraph 9 The newly elected Chairperson of the Central Committee shall
then begin accepting nominations and holding elections for the
following offices of the Central Committee: (1) Vice-Chairperson,
(2) Secretary, (3) Treasurer, and (4) Sergeant at Arms.

Paragraph 10 The election for each office of the Central Committee shall be held
immediately following the acceptance of nominations for that
office, and prior to accepting nominations for the next Central
Committee office.

Paragraph 11 In the event of a tie for the highest vote total for any of the offices
listed in Article II, Section 1, Paragraph 9, a revote shall be
conducted in the manner provided in Article II, Section 1,
Paragraph 7.


Paragraph 1 Following the election of the Central Committee officers provided
in Article II, Section 1, Paragraphs 9-11, the Chairperson of the
Central Committee shall then appoint all of the newly elected
members of the Ross County Republican Party Central Committee,
whether present at the Organizational Meeting or not, to the Ross
County Republican Party Executive Committee.

Paragraph 2 The Chairperson of the Central Committee shall serve as the
temporary Chairperson of the Executive Committee until such time
a Chairperson of the Executive Committee is formally elected
pursuant to Article II, Section 2, Paragraphs 12-14.

Paragraph 3 With the Ross County Republican Party Executive Committee
having just been created by the appointment provided for in
Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 1, all registered Republican

officeholders who either reside in Ross County, or who
represent any part or area of Ross County shall also be
appointed to the Executive Committee provided they are in
attendance at the Organizational Meeting and request to be
appointed to the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 4 For purposes of the Organizational Meeting only, the two meeting
procedure for appointing at large members to the Executive
Committee set forth in these Bylaws, shall be suspended.
For purposes of the Organizational Meeting only, nominations for
at-large appointments to the Executive Committee, and the vote on
the same shall be held during the same meeting.

Paragraph 5 Nominations for individuals to be appointed to the Executive
Committee on an at-large basis at the Organizational Meeting shall
only be made by current members of the newly appointed
Executive Committee.

Paragraph 6 Individuals nominated for at-large appointment to the Executive
Committee at the Organizational Meeting must be present at the
Organizational Meeting.
Individuals nominated for at-large appointment to the Executive
Committee at the Organizational Meeting shall be registered

Paragraph 7 The number of at-large nominations received for the Executive
Committee at the Organizational Meeting shall not exceed the
seventy-five percent (75%) cap set forth in Article 4, Section 4,
Paragraph 1.

Paragraph 8 During the Organizational Meeting, no member of the newly
appointed Executive Committee shall be permitted to nominate
more than one (1) individual for at-large appointment to the
Executive Committee until such time as each member of the newly
appointment Executive Committee has had an opportunity to
nominate at least one individual.

Paragraph 9 During the Organizational Meeting, no member of the newly
appointed Executive Committee shall be permitted to nominate
more than two (2) individuals for at-large appointment to the
Executive Committee.

Paragraph 10 Prior to voting for at-large appointments to the Executive
Committee at the Organizational Meeting, the Executive
Committee members present shall decide, by majority vote, if all
nominations shall be voted on as one unit, or if an individual vote
shall be taken for each Executive Committee at-large nominee.

Paragraph 11 If a majority of the newly appointed Executive Committee
members present at the Organizational Meeting vote in favor of
appointment, the nominee shall be appointed as an at-large
member of the Executive Committee.
A tie vote is not considered a majority, the nominee shall not be
appointed to the Executive Committee, and no revote shall be

Paragraph 12 Following the at-large appointments to the Executive Committee,
nominations shall be accepted for following offices of the
Executive Committee: (1) Chairperson, (2) Vice-Chairperson, (3)
Secretary, (4) Treasurer, (5) Sergeant at Arms.

Paragraph 13 The election for each office of the Executive Committee shall be
held immediately following the acceptance of nominations for that
office, and prior to accepting nominations for the next Executive
Committee office.

Paragraph 14 In the event of a tie for the highest vote total for any of the offices
listed in Article II, Section 2, Paragraph 12, a revote shall be
conducted in the manner provided in Article II, Section 1,
Paragraph 7.

Paragraph 15 No individual may hold an office of the Central Committee and the

Executive Committee with the following exceptions:
(1) One individual may serve as the Secretary for both the Central
and Executive Committee,
(2) One individual may serve as the Treasurer for both the Central
and Executive Committee, and
(3) One individual may serve as the Sergeant at Arms for both the
Central and Executive Committee.

Paragraph 16 Following the election of the Executive Committee officers, the
Organizational Meeting shall adjourn and the Executive
Committee may call to order their regularly scheduled monthly


Paragraph 1 The Ross County Republican Party Central Committee shall be
formed in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and Article II,
Section 1 of these Bylaws.

Paragraph 2 The membership of the Central Committee shall be made up of the

(1) All duly elected members of the Central Committee, and
(2) All individuals appointed to the Central Committee as provided
for in Article III, Section 4 of these Bylaws.


Paragraph 1 The Officers of the Central Committee shall serve at the pleasure

of the Central Committee members

Paragraph 2 In addition to the duties and responsibilities provided in the
following Paragraphs of this Section, the officers shall perform any
such duties designated to his or her office pursuant to the Ohio
Revised Code and the other Sections of these Bylaws.

Paragraph 3 The officer(s) of the Central Committee shall be responsible for
appointing individuals to fill vacancies in elected offices or other
offices when the responsibility for such appointment is placed by
law with the officer(s) of the Central Committee.

Paragraph 4 No officer of the Central Committee shall have any authority,
express or implied, to bind the Ross County Republican Party or
the Central Committee by any contract or other financial obligation
unless such authority comes by statute, these Bylaws, or by
Resolution adopted by the Central Committee and properly
recorded by the Secretary in the minutes.

Paragraph 5 Chairperson

The Chairperson of the Central Committee, along with the
Chairperson of the Executive Committee, shall act as the
leaders of the Ross County Republican Party.
The Chairperson of the Central Committee shall call to order and
lead the meetings of the Central Committee, unless the meeting is a
joint meeting of the Ross County Central and Executive
In the event that during a joint meeting of the Central and
Executive Committees, there should be business to conduct which
is to be done solely by the Central Committee, the Chairperson of
the Central Committee shall call that portion of the meeting to
order and lead the meeting in conducting such business.

Paragraph 6 Vice-Chairperson

The Vice-Chairperson of the Central Committee shall perform the
duties of the Central Committee Chairperson in that Chairperson’s
absence, or in the case of that Chairperson’s death, resignation,
removal from office, or the inability to adequately perform such
duties of that office.

Paragraph 7 Secretary

The Secretary of the Central Committee shall also serve as the
Secretary of the Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to in
these Bylaws as the “Secretary”.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all joint meetings of the
Central and Executive Committees.
The Secretary shall keep separate minutes for all meetings of the
Central Committee at such times when the Central Committee may
meet apart from the Executive Committee. This shall include
keeping separate minutes for the Central Committee during
portions of joint meetings of both Committees where business
must be conducted solely by the Central Committee.
The minutes of all meetings shall be kept in a book with numbered

The Secretary shall be the custodian of permanent books and
records, excluding financial records, of the Central and Executive
The Secretary shall report all new appointments of either the
Central or Executive Committees to the Ross County Board of
Elections within ten (10) days of such appointment.

Paragraph 8 Treasurer

The Treasurer of the Central Committee shall also serve as the
Treasurer of the Executive Committee, hereinafter referred to in
these Bylaws as the “Treasurer”.
The Treasurer shall be permitted to receive all funds belonging to
the Executive and Central Committees.
The Treasurer shall keep all financial books and maintain proper
records of the monies received by and paid out by the Central and
Executive Committees.
Any bill or amount owed by the Central or Executive Committees
which is due by a certain date may be paid by check, signed by the
Treasurer, before the next scheduled meeting if such is owed prior
to that meeting.
If necessary, the Treasurer may maintain separate bank accounts
for the Central Committee and the Executive Committee and shall
not commingle the funds of the two Committees.
The Treasurer shall keep a proper accounting of all monies in the
possession of the Central or Executive Committees and shall
present such current accounting at each meeting of the Central
and/or Executive Committees.
The Treasurer shall be fully accountable to the Central and
Executive Committees for all acts and doings as the Treasurer.

Paragraph 9 Sergeant at Arms
Roberts Rules of Order
Other provisions


Paragraph 1 The members of the Central Committee shall have all powers
provided to it by the Ohio Revised Code and these Bylaws.
Paragraph 2 The members of the Central Committee shall be responsible for
appointing individuals to fill vacancies in elected offices or other
offices when the responsibility for such appointment is placed by
law with the Central Committee.

Paragraph 3 Central Committee shall be permitted to appoint at large members
to fill vacant precincts of the Central Committee in accordance
with Section 4 of this Article.

Paragraph 4 Central Committee members from each precinct shall be
responsible for promoting the purposes and principles of the
Republican Party within that precinct.

Paragraph 5 Central Committee members from each precinct shall be
responsible for informing citizens in his or her precinct about:
(1) Republican candidates for elected office for which the electors
of the precinct are permitted to vote,
(2) Any Issues, Levies, Taxes or other matters of importance
appearing on an upcoming ballot, including how each of these
may coincide with or oppose the Republican Party principles.
Paragraph 6 No member of the Central Committee shall have any authority,
express or implied, to bind the Ross County Republican Party or
the Central Committee by any contract or other financial obligation
unless such authority comes by statute, these Bylaws, or by
Resolution adopted by the Central Committee and properly
recorded by the Secretary in the minutes.


Paragraph 1 In the event that there shall be a vacancy in one or more of the
precincts of the Central Committee which is caused by death,
resignation, failure to elect, or removal from the precinct from
which a committeeperson was elected, the Central Committee shall

be permitted to fill such vacancy pursuant to the Ohio Revised
Code and this Section.

Paragraph 2 In order for an individual to be eligible to be appointed to fill a
vacancy on the Central Committee, the individual must satisfy all
of the following:
(1) The individual is a registered Republican,
(2) The individual must have voted in the most recent
Republican Primary, provided the individual lived within a
city ward, township, school district, or other such area for
which there was a race or issue which was up for vote…..,
(3) The individual must be a resident or the precinct for which they
seek appointment, live in a precinct adjacent to the precinct for
which they seek appointment, or be able to articulate strong,
sufficient ties to the precinct for which they seek appointment.
Paragraph 3 At any scheduled meeting of the Central Committee, any duly
elected or appointed member of the Central Committee may
nominate an eligible individual to fill a vacant precinct of the
Central Committee.

Paragraph 4 The eligible individual shall be present at the meeting at which he
or she is nominated to fill a vacant precinct of the Central
The nominated individual shall be present at all subsequent
meetings up to and including the meeting at which a vote shall be
held on the appointment of the nominated individual to a vacant
precinct of the Central Committee, unless such absence is excused
from one or more of these subsequent meetings, for good cause, by
either the Central Committee or Executive Committee

Paragraph 5 During the meeting at which the nomination is made, the Central
Committee member making such nomination shall introduce the
individual seeking appointment, state the precinct for which the
appointment is sought, and articulate why the Central Committee
member feels this individual would benefit the Republican Party
through this appointment.

Paragraph 6 The nominated individual shall then address the party members
present at the meeting, stating the precinct for which appointment
is sought, and how the individual’s appointment would benefit the
Republican Party.

Paragraph 7 At the next scheduled meeting of the Central Committee, a
member of the Nomination Committee shall report whether or not
the nominated individual satisfies all of the eligibility requirements
set forth in Article III, Section 3, Paragraph 2, of the these Bylaws.
At the same meeting, members of the Central and Executive
Committees may then hold any discussion concerning the
appointment of the nominated individual.
If necessary, and if possible, members of the Central and Executive
Committee who are present may ask questions of the nominated

Paragraph 8 At the second scheduled meeting of the Central Committee
following the nomination of an individual to fill a vacant precinct
of the Central Committee, the Central Committee members present
shall vote on the appointment of the nominated individual.
A majority vote in favor of appointment by those present, current,
and voting members of Central Committee shall cause the
nominated individual to be appointment to the Central Committee.
If the vote for appointment results in a tie, the nominated
individual shall not be appointed.

Paragraph 9 Should the nominated individual be appointed to fill a vacant
precinct of the Central Committee, by operation of these Bylaws,
that individual shall automatically be appointed to the Executive
Committee as well.



Paragraph 1 The Ross County Republican Party Executive Committee shall be
formed in accordance with Article II, Section 2 of these Bylaws.

Paragraph 2 The membership of the Executive Committee shall be made up of

the following:
(1) All duly elected and appointed members of the Central
(2) All registered Republican officeholders who either reside in
Ross County, or who represent any part or area of Ross
County, and who request to be appointed to the Executive
Committee, and
(3) All individuals appointed at large to the Executive Committee
as provided for in Article IV, Section 4 of these Bylaws.
Paragraph 3 It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Executive Committee
to manage the affairs of, to direct the general policy of, to direct
and conduct campaign activities on behalf of, and to promote the
best interests of the Republican Party in Ross County, Ohio.

Paragraph 1 The Officers of the Executive Committee shall serve at the

pleasure of the Executive Committee members.

Paragraph 2 In addition to the duties and responsibilities provided in the
following Paragraphs of this Section, the officers shall perform any
such duties designated to his or her office pursuant to the Ohio
Revised Code and the other Sections of these Bylaws.

Paragraph 3 The officer(s) of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for
appointing individuals to fill vacancies in elected offices or other
offices when the responsibility for such appointment is placed by
law with the officer(s) of the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 4 No officer of the Executive Committee shall have any authority,
express or implied, to bind the Ross County Republican Party or
the Executive Committee by any contract or other financial
obligation unless such authority comes by statute, these Bylaws, or
by Resolution adopted by the Executive Committee and properly
recorded by the Secretary in the minutes.

Paragraph 5 Chairperson

The Chairperson of the Executive Committee, along with the
Chairperson of the Central Committee, shall act as the leaders
of the Ross County Republican Party.
The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall call to order
and lead the meetings of the Executive Committee, including joint
meetings of the Ross County Central and Executive Committees.
The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall maintain and
direct the operation of the Headquarters of the Ross County
Republican Party, should such a Headquarters be established.
The Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall manage all
other duties of the Executive Committee as provided for by the
Ohio Revised Code, and any other duties usually exercised by the
Chairperson of the Executive Committee which are not
inconsistent with the laws of the State of Ohio, or these Bylaws.
The Chairperson of the Executive Committee is granted the
authority to make purchases under $100.00 for the functionality of
the Executive Committee. These purchases shall be reported and
explained in good faith at the next meeting of the Executive
Paragraph 6 Vice-Chairperson

The Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee shall perform
the duties of the Executive Committee Chairperson in that
Chairperson’s absence, or in the case of that Chairperson’s death,
resignation, removal from office, or the inability to adequately
perform such duties of that office.
In the case of a joint meeting of the Central and Executive
Committees, if the Executive Committee Chairperson is absent, the
Central Committee Chairperson shall for fill in for the Executive
Committee Chairperson for purposes of calling the meeting to
order and conducting the business of such meeting.
Should the Central Committee Chairperson be absent form such
meeting, or choose not to fill in for the Executive Committee
Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson of the Executive Party shall the
joint meeting to order and conducting the business of the meeting.

Paragraph 7 Secretary

The Secretary of the Executive Committee shall also serve as the
Secretary of the Central Committee.
The duties of the Secretary are set forth in Article III, Section 2,
Paragraph 7, of these Bylaws.

Paragraph 8 Treasurer

The Treasurer of the Executive Committee shall also serve as the
Treasurer of the Central Committee, hereinafter referred to in these
Bylaws as the “Treasurer”.
The duties of the Treasurer are set forth in Article III, Section 2,
Paragraph 8, of these Bylaws.

Paragraph 9 Sergeant at Arms
Roberts Rules of Order
Other provisions


Paragraph 1 The members of the Executive Committee shall have all powers
provided to it by the Ohio Revised Code, these Bylaws, and the
Central Committee.

Paragraph 2 The members of the Executive Committee shall be responsible for
appointing individuals to fill vacancies in elected offices or other
offices when the responsibility for such appointment is placed by
law with the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 3 The Executive Committee shall be permitted to appoint at large
members to the Executive Committee in accordance with Section 4
of this Article.

Paragraph 4 Executive Committee members shall be responsible for promoting
the purposes and principles of the Republican Party within Ross

Paragraph 5 Executive Committee members shall be responsible for informing

fellow citizens in his or her precinct about:
(1) Republican candidates for elected office for which the electors
of his or her precinct are permitted to vote,

(2) Any Issues, Levies, Taxes or other matters of importance
appearing on an upcoming ballot, including how each of these
may coincide with or oppose the Republican Party principles.
Paragraph 6 No member of the Executive Committee shall have any authority,
express or implied, to bind the Ross County Republican Party or
the Executive Committee by any contract or other financial
obligation unless such authority comes by statute, these Bylaws, or
by Resolution adopted by the Central Committee and properly
recorded by the Secretary in the minutes.


Paragraph 1 At no time shall the number of appointed at large members to the
Executive Committee be more than 75% of the current number of
duly elected or appointed members of the Central Committee.
Paragraph 2 In order to be eligible to be nominated and appointed as an at large
member of the Executive Committee, the individual must be a
registered Republican.

Paragraph 3 At any scheduled meeting of the Executive Party, a current
member of the Executive Party may nominate an eligible
individual for appointment to the Executive Committee.
Paragraph 4 The eligible individual so nominated must be present at the
Executive Committee meeting at which the individual is

Paragraph 5 At the time of the nomination, the Executive Committee member
nominating the eligible individual, and the nominated individual
shall briefly speak as to why the individual should be appointed to
the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 6 At the next Executive Committee meeting immediately following
the nomination of the eligible individual, all current Executive
Committee members shall vote on whether or not to appoint the
nominated individual to the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 7 During the time period between the meeting at which the eligible
individual is nominated, and the following meeting at which the

vote for appointment shall take place, a member of the Nomination
Committee shall verify that the nominated individual is a
registered Republican. If the nominated individual is not a
registered Republican, no vote shall take place and there shall be
no appointment.

Paragraph 8 During the meeting at which the vote for at large appointment is
held, a majority vote in favor of appointment by those present,
current, and voting members of Executive Committee shall cause
the nominated individual to be appointment to the Executive
Committee on an at large basis.
If the vote for appointment results in a tie, the nominated
individual shall not be appointed.



Paragraph 1 Officers of the Central and Executive Committees shall serve at the
pleasure of the Central and Executive Committee members

Paragraph 2 Grounds for removal of an officer of the Central or Executive

Committee(s) shall include, but are not limited to:
(1) Failure to adequately perform the duties of the office for which
the officer of Central or Executive Committee member was
(2) Publicly supporting a non-Republican candidate for elected
office during an election where there is a Republican candidate
running for the same office,
(3) Failure to abide by the Purposes and Principles of these

(4) Just cause, as determined by the members of the Central or
Executive Committee, depending on which Committee office
removal is sought.

Paragraph 3 If at any time there appears to be grounds for the removal of an
officer of either Committee, a written statement requesting the
removal shall be given to the Chairperson of the respective
Committee, signed by three (3) or more current members of the
respective Committee.
The written statement shall state the name of the officer, the office
which is held by that officer, and the grounds upon which removal
is sought. The grounds for which removal is sought shall be set
forth in detail in the written statement.

Paragraph 4 If the written statement requesting removal is for the office of
Committee Chairperson, the written statement shall be provided to
the Vice-Chairperson of the respective Committee.

Paragraph 5 At the next scheduled meeting of the respective Committee, the
Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson if the written request is for the
removal of the Chairperson, shall inform the other Committee
members present of the written request, including the name of the
officer, the office for which removal is sought, and the specific
grounds set forth in the request.

Paragraph 6 If the Chairperson, or Vice-Chairperson if the written request is for
the removal of the Chairperson, is not able to be present at the next
scheduled meeting at which the announcement of the written
request for removal is the be made, that officer may appoint one of
the other officers of the respective Committee to make such
announcement, provided the appointed officer is not the one who is
sought to be removed.

Paragraph 7 The vote on the written request for removal shall be held at the
next scheduled meeting for the respective Committee.
Paragraph 8 If the officer sought to be removed is present at the meeting at
which the announcement is made, he or she shall be given a copy
of the written request stating the specific grounds upon which
removal from office is sought. The officer shall also be advised of
the date and location of the next scheduled meeting.

If the officer sought to be removed is not present at the meeting at
which the announcement is made, notice of the announcement, a
copy of the written request for removal, and notice that vote will
be held on the written request for removal at the next scheduled
meeting of the respective Committee, shall be delivered to the
officer by either hand delivery or by certified mail, return receipt
This notice shall advise the officer:
(1) of the time and location of the next scheduled meeting
at which the vote for removal shall take place, and
(2) that he or she has the right to attend meeting and argue
on behalf of why removal is not appropriate.
Paragraph 9 At the next scheduled meeting of the respective Committee, the
respective Committee members present for such shall be permitted
to discuss the written request for removal, including the specific
grounds upon which the removal is sought.
Following this discussion, the officer sought to be removed, should
he or she choose do to so, shall be permitted to speak on his or her
behalf as to why removal from office is not appropriate.
Following the officers statement, no further discussion shall be
had, and a vote shall be held.
A majority vote by the respective Committee members present in
favor of removal from office shall cause the officer to be removed
from his or her office.
A tie vote shall not result in the officer being removed from his or
her office.

Paragraph 10 There shall be no more than one (1) written request for removal
from office filed against an officer during each calendar year.
Paragraph 11 If the officer who is sought to be removed holds the same office
for both the Central and Executive Committees, the written request
for removal shall be submitted to the Executive Committee
If the officer who is sought to be removed holds the same office
for both the Central and Executive Committees, it shall be the

Executive Committee members present at the meeting following
the announcement who shall conduct the discussion and vote on
If the officer is not removed from office by a vote of the Executive
Committee, no written request for removal from office shall be
permitted to be sought against the officer by the Central
Committee during the same calendar year.


Paragraph 1 Members of the Central and Executive Committees shall serve at
the pleasure of the other Central and Executive Committee
members respectively.

Paragraph 2 Removal of members from the Executive and Central Committees
of the Ross County Republican Party shall be handled by the same
standards and in the same procedure set forth in Article V, Section
1, Paragraphs 2-11, where appropriate, with the following

Paragraph 2 A member of the Central or Executive Committee may be removed
for failing to adequately perform the duties for which he or she is

Paragraph 3 Understanding that all elected and appointed Central Committee
members are automatically appointed to the Executive Committee,
by operation of law and these Bylaws, removal of a member who
is both a Central and Executive Committee member shall be
conducted by and voted on by the Executive Committee members
present at the meeting at which the vote is to be held, except in the
case where the member sought to be removed has been elected to
or appointed to represent a Central Committee precinct.
In such cases, it shall be the responsibility of the Central
Committee to carry out the procedures for the announcement and
the vote on the issue of the written request for removal from the
Central Committee shall be done by only Central Committee
members present at the meeting at which the vote for removal is to
take place.

Paragraph 4 There shall be no more than two (2) written requests for the
removal of a non-officer of the Central and/or Executive
Committees filed against the member during each calendar year.




Paragraph 1 The members of the Ross County Republican Party Central and
Executive Committees shall meet together on the second Tuesday
of each Month, unless the Chairpersons of the Central and
Executive Committees jointly decide on a different date on which
the monthly meeting will be held throughout the year.
Paragraph 2 Such joint monthly meetings of the Central and Executive
Committees may be moved to a different date within the month to
avoid conflicts with important and necessary events at which
members of the Central and Executive Committees shall attend.
Paragraph 3 Notices setting forth the time, place and purpose of each monthly
meeting shall be delivered to each member of the Central and
Executive Committees by U.S. mail, or where available, by e-mail,
at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.

Paragraph 4 The Officers of the Central and Executive Committees shall meet,
should they choose to do so, prior to the regularly scheduled
meeting the Central and Executive Committees, at a time to be
decided by those Officers.


Paragraph 1 The Chairperson of the Executive and Central Committees are
permitted to schedule additional meetings for only their respective
Committees provided such additional meeting is necessary for that
particular Committee to conduct business.

Paragraph 2 Notice of these additional meetings shall be provided to the
members of that Committee in the same manner as provided for in
Article VI, Section 1, Paragraph 3 of these Bylaws.


Paragraph 1 For the meetings described in Article V of these Bylaws, the
number of members of each Committee present at the properly
scheduled meeting shall constitute a quorum, and except as
otherwise indicated, a majority of the quorum shall have the power
to transact any business provided by law or these Bylaws.


Paragraph 1 The following Subcommittees are hereby created and made a part
of Ross County Republican Party Central and Executive
(1) Bylaws Committee
(2) Nomination Committee
(3) Candidates Committee
(4) Special Events Committee
(5) Finance Committee
(6) Public Relations Committee

Paragraph 2 Each of the Subcommittees shall be tasked with performing the
duties provided in these Bylaws as well as any other duties
required to be performed by the Central and Executive

Paragraph 3 Each member of the Republican Party Central Committee and
Executive Committee shall serve on at least one of these

Paragraph 4 Members of the Republican Party Central and Executive
Committees shall be permitted to serve on more than one
Subcommittee if that member so chooses.

Paragraph 5 Each Subcommittee shall elect one of its members to serve as

Chairperson of the Subcommittee.
Such Chairperson shall run the Subcommittee meetings and be
responsible for taking and tallying any votes required by the

Paragraph 6 Each Subcommittee shall meet as often as the Chairperson and
other members of the Subcommittee feel is appropriate based upon
the business to be handled by the Subcommittee.
Each Subcommittee shall meet no less than two (2) times per
calendar year.
Paragraph 1 Should questions arise regarding the application of these Bylaws,
the final decision of their application shall rest with the members
of the Bylaws Committee.

Paragraph 2 Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws may be made by any
current member of the Republican Party Executive Committee and
shall be delivered in writing to a member of the Bylaws Committee
at a scheduled meeting of the Republican Party Central or
Executive Committee.

Paragraph 3 Proposals for amendments to these Bylaws shall be addressed by
Bylaws Committee at the next scheduled meeting of that

Paragraph 4 The decision on whether or not to present the proposed amendment
to the Executive Committee for vote shall be made by a majority
vote of the Bylaws Committee.

Paragraph 5 Should the Bylaws Committee decide to present the proposed
amendment to the Executive Committee for vote, the members of
the Executive Committee shall be made aware of such upcoming
vote on the proposed amendment by regular U.S. mail, or email,
no less than seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled Executive
Committee meeting.
At the time the notice of a vote on the proposed amendment to the
Bylaws at the upcoming meeting is given to each of the Executive
Committee members, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be

provided to the member in the same fashion in which the notice
was provided.

Paragraph 6 Provided proper notice has been given to members of the
Executive Committee, all Executive Committee present at the next
meeting shall vote on the proposed amendment to these Bylaws.
Paragraph 7 A majority vote of those Executive Committee members present at
the meeting and voting on the proposed amendment shall cause the
amendment to be approved and made a part of these Bylaws.
Paragraph 8 The Bylaws Committee shall have any others powers granted to it
by the Executive Committee which are not inconsistent with the
Ohio Revised Code or these Bylaws.

Paragraph 1 The Nomination Committee shall be responsible for making sure
that all nominated individuals for vacancies to the Central
Committee and at large appointments to the Executive Committee
are eligible for such appointment in accordance with the Ohio
Revised Code and these Bylaws.

Paragraph 2 When necessary, the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee
shall report to the Central or Executive Committees at the
appropriate scheduled meeting on the issue of the eligibility of a
nominated individual for the Central or Executive Committee.
Paragraph 3 Should the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee not be
available to attend such meeting of the Central or Executive
Committee, he or she shall appoint a representative for the
Committee to report on such eligibility.

Paragraph 1 The Candidates Committee shall be responsible for identifying
eligible Republicans in Ross County to run for elected office.
The Candidates Committee shall also assist in identifying eligible
Republicans to fill vacancies in elected offices, as well as
identifying eligible Republicans to fill appointed positions required
by law.

Paragraph 2 The Candidates Committee shall assist those potential Republican

candidates in preparing to run for elected office.

This assistance shall include preparing candidates on what to
expect while running for public office, what may expected of the
candidate while running for public office, and the procedures the
candidate will encounter during the election process.
The Candidates Committee shall assist these potential candidates
in obtaining the necessary required number of signatures for their
petitions for candidacy to be filed with the Ross County Board of

Paragraph 3 The Candidates Committee shall assist Republican candidates
while running for elected office, and shall promote Republican
Candidates running for elected office.
Paragraph 1 The Special Events Committee, with the assistance of the
membership of the Central and Executive Committees shall be
responsible for the planning, promoting, set-up, operation, and
break down of events which are either run by the Ross County
Republican Party, or events which are of great importance to the
Ross County Republican Party.

Paragraph 2 Such events shall include, but are not limited to, the Lincoln Day
Dinner, any Republican Party sponsored Fish Fry, Republican
Floats in the annual Halloween Parade, the Republican Booth at
the Ross County Fair, and any other events tasked to the Special
Events Committee by the Executive Committee.

Paragraph 1 The Finance Committee shall be responsible for fundraising for the
Ross County Republican Party. This fundraising responsibility
shall cause the Finance Committee to work closely, and often
times alongside, the Special Events Committee.

Paragraph 2 The Finance committee shall be responsible for assisting State and
National Republican candidates for elected office in their
campaign efforts in Ross County.
Paragraph 1 The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for
promoting Republican Party events and candidates throughout

Ross County to the citizens of Ross County by means of television,
radio, social media, and any other means reasonably available to
said Committee.

Paragraph 2 The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for providing
pertinent information regarding such events and candidates by such
means to members of the Ross Count Republican Party.